
Maplestory classes that are also explorers
Maplestory classes that are also explorers

maplestory classes that are also explorers maplestory classes that are also explorers

If you want to use daggers, put this point in Double Stab.If you want to throw stars, put this point in Lucky Seven.Press K and begin to put it in something. You now will have your first skill point. Dark Lord inside will make you a thief.Go in, jump down and there should be the Dark Lord. Now beside the portal next to the man with the bamboo hat (Ryden), there should be a portal. Head back to the Ticket Booth and make your way to Kerning City. Do Olaf's quiz, then choose the path of the thief.Head to Victoria Island by talking to Shanks at Southperry once you are Level 10.You get a random hat, a razor, some potions, a chair, and some mushroom candies from doing the tutorial. Press R and type the names of people you want to add. You will appear in the same place, but it is more crowded. If you're looking for friends, press ESCAPE to pull up your menu. The path of the dark legions is a good one, and this is probably the most popular of all MapleStory jobs due to high mobbing skills. At Level 30, choose whichever follows this path. Choose if you want to be a Crossbow user or a Bow user.

maplestory classes that are also explorers

Remember to do any quests you can! In Maple Story, your quests give excellent rewards!.Now walk by and keep hitting UP over and over to end up at Mushroom Garden, your new training grounds.

maplestory classes that are also explorers

Find a group of mushroom houses towards the mid-right. Congrats! You're now a Bowman! Go west of Henesys, past the Hunting Grounds, and climb to the top of this map.

  • Shove your first point in Critical Shot.
  • As a beginner, nothing will change other than your HP rise to 50, and your location (which should now be Henesys)! Go to Mushroom Park, talk to Athena Pierce, get your EXP., and now become a Bowman! Or, once the music changes, kill yourself. Don't go above Level 10! Once you're here, talk to Olaf and do his quiz, and then choose the path of a Bowman! Now go get a ticket to Henesys, or, walk there yourself! It's a very short trip to get to Henesys.
  • Leave for Victoria Island after you've done your quests on Maple Island.
  • Something is falling down from the sky! It's arrow rain! This just leaves all of the boars stunned as they are shot and killed! This was the work of a Bowman, and you can be one too! Be nice to people, and they'll be nice to you. You will be struggling through the first few Mage Levels. Try to party with some newborn Warriors or Thieves, maybe some Bowmen if they want to do it.
  • Set this skill to a button, grab yourself a wand, and hopefully, some MP Potions, which are extremely expensive.
  • Teach yourself Energy Bolt with your new Skill Point. Your HP will stay the same, but your MP will really jump.
  • In the center of Ellinia, there should be a library.
  • Talk to Olaf, finish the quiz, choose the path of a Magician, and then walk over to the ticketing booth and go to Ellinia.
  • Recovery can heal you, and Three Snails will do 40 damage when maxed out! This means an Orange Mushroom can be killed in two uses! Get to Level 8 and head to Southperry, talk to Shanks, and leave. You might want to max out Recovery and Three Snails.
  • Head through Maple Island, doing quests (skip Bigg's and Mai's Training III if you must).
  • The magician is Maple's symbol of defending and upholding. Polearms and Spears are for the Spearman. If you prefer Swords or Axes, become a Fighter. Follow his instructions and you can become your 2nd Job.
  • Once that is all done and you are Level 30, you can go back to your instructor Dances with Balrog and chat him up.
  • 1 Point in Power Strike, then 10 in Slash Blast.
  • This is the most important skill to master as for future levels you will need it for highest possible HP at no expense.
  • Now put points into HP Boost until it is maxed.
  • This is the best choice of building for a Warrior.
  • This will give you the highest HP possible. Get Improving HP Recover to 5, then begin to max out Max HP Increase. Put your first point into Improving HP Recover. Dances with Balrog will advance you to a Warrior.
  • Go southeast, and into the building with carvings on it.
  • Now you will appear in a desert wasteland-ish town. Now turn back and go to the ticket booth. Finish his quest and tell him you wish to follow the path of the warrior. Head to Southperry, head to the east, talk to Shanks, and pay up, or do the tutorial to go to Victoria Island for free. Make it to Level 10, then it's off to Victoria Island. Do all quests for their rewards, and remember to play your own music and keep yourself comfy. They have a tendency to miss later on, but with a Priest/Cleric (Holy Mages), they are basically invincible. They can use Power Skills that allow them to increase combat parameters, and special attacks like Slash Blast and Power Strike to do additional damage. Warriors are the masters of close combat.

    Maplestory classes that are also explorers